VGC Day 18: Genre, Genre Everywhere

Welcome back to our 30 day video game challenge! If you’d like to catch up with the other days, click here.

As you know, there are only three types of games that you’ll ever play. But that’s a secret to everyone except you guys, because you’re fabulous and follow this site!

We’ll put that aside for today, though because we’re asked…

Day 18: What is your favorite genre?

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Fantasy. Definitely fantasy.

I mean, I like other stuff, too, but when you have a type, you have a type. And this gamer knows her type (haha).

What about you? What’s your favorite genre? Let me know in the comments!

Thanks for stopping by, and I’ll see you soon!
~ Athena

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  1. Is fantasy a genre? A would describe it as a theme, as both Gauntlet and Battle for Middle Earth are both fantasy but very different genres.
    For me, it depends on what I’ve been playing recently. I don’t tend to follow one genre with a game of the same genre, although last summer I found myself playing a lot of narrative driven “walking simulators”. Right now I’m enjoying RTS games, but I’ve got a hankering for some look driven hack n slash/shooter so we’ll see where I end up!

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    1. That’s an interesting question. I know in literature “fantasy” is considered a genre, so I assumed it’s the same for games…?There are a lot of ways to portray “fantasy” in a game, like through adventure, hack-n-slash, and the like, so I can understand your point about it being a theme, too.Who knows?

      Walking simulators are surprisingly fun, aren’t they? That’s great that your hankerings change based on what you’re playing – keeps the games fresh and different!

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  2. To be honest, I don’t think I have a favorite genre. If the work is done well, the odds are good that I’ll end up liking it regardless of which genre it’s in.

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  3. I do love fantasy/action/adventure/RPG type stuff 🙂 I try to judge a game on its content, not what genre it belongs to. Honestly, anything with a good story and fun gameplay works for me.

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  4. Is “Zombies” a genre?

    Because I’ll play pretty much anything depending on my mood, but I always seem to get an inordinate amount of pleasure from killing stuff that’s trying to munch on my face!!

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  5. Fantasy here, too! I mean, my favorite franchise has it in the title :p For specific game genres, RPGs, more specifically JRPGs, but Western RPGs are starting to grow on me, too (thanks Mass Effect!). I do also like science fantasy, which is arguably the genre of FFVII my favorite game. I used to call that sci-fi/fantasy fusion until I discovered that shorter, easier name.

    Puzzle games are my second favorite genre. They both help me relax AND hone my problem solving skills 🙂

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  6. Role playing games are my fave at the moment. In the past I had spells were I loved soccer, point n click adventures and platformers.

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  7. I’d guess sci-fi, although I do love horror, action-adventure, and fantasy as well. But sci-fi covers so many of my favorite sub-genres like space opera (Mass Effect), post-apocalypse (Fallout), and good sci-fi can mix in some great horror (Dead Space), action-adventure (Dino-Crisis), and fantasy (Star Wars) as well.

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    1. Yeah, sci-fi covers a lot of different types of games. I’ve notice that with fantasy, as well. But it’s nice to switch it up, too! I always say I need to get more into horror, but…. I’m a big scaredy-cat sometimes, and I probably couldn’t afford sleeping with my lights on for a week after playing a game haha

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  8. When I thought genre, I totally thought RPG, but I guess you meant like what kind of setting and story? In which case, most RPGs are in a fantasy setting, so I’d pick that. Either way, I think I answered the question, and I’m glad we have similar tastes for that! 🙂

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    1. Yeah I think I confused some people with my choice of fantasy, as there was some question as to whether that’s a real genre (literature genres aside!). But yes otherwise I’d go with RPGs, as well! You most definitely answered the question!

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