The Year of the RPG

Happy 2018! I hope you all had a wonderful holiday season or a wonderful last few weeks of December, and have sufficiently rung in the new year with family or friends or champagne or sleeping in or whatever type of celebration makes you happiest!

I’m very excited for this year, because here at AmbiGaming it’s the Year of the RPG!

Year of RPG
That globe just shows up everywhere, doesn’t it?

Yes, I’m finally able to announce that RPG project I’ve been hinting at, and give you the full details of what will be happening over here on this corner of the internet.

I actually was inspired by Game Informer’s recent list of “Top 100 RPGs of All Time” article, which got me thinking about how many RPGs are out there,and how many nod, on one way to another, to other games. Of course, none of these games would exist without the original, Dungeons & Dragons, but until I can run a campaign by myself with only me, there’s not much I can do with that game.

But video games? That one I can handle.

game controller

In fact, it’s going to be so awesome one person won’t be able to handle it alone, so I’m very excited to welcome BadgersAndBowties back as we traverse the many landscapes of RPGs this year!!!


The Year of the RPG will entail us playing a series of RPGs and talking about them in some unique ways, sometimes more informally than others, throughout the year. So let’s break it down.

The Games

We’ve ambitiously chosen eight RPGs for this year, because go big or go home, right? This will give us a little over five weeks to get through each game, which I think is reasonable, considering we’ve both beasted through games before, and I set a personal record for completing Dragon Age: Origins in about three days (no, I don’t want to talk about that. Nothing to see here…).

Anyway, the games are:

8. Chrono Trigger (PS1 port)
7. The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim (PS3/Switch)
6. Kingdom Come: Deliverance (PS4 – releases in February)
5. Baldur’s Gate (PC)
4. The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt (PS4)
3. Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic (PC)
2. Fallout 3 (PS3)
1. Horizon: Zero Dawn (PS4)

As you can see, some of these are more traditionally-RPG-ish than others. You may also notice that games like the entire Mass Effect and Dragon Age series are not represented, which I did on purpose. This list originally contained about five BioWare games, and I decided that I just couldn’t do that to you guys (yet). Related image

These games were chosen based on a few criteria: first, they needed to have a designation of RPG somewhere in their description. They also needed to appear to have some sort of morality system/tracking in place (although it doesn’t need to be overt), and of course have the typical RPG fare of talking to NPCs for story/side missions, crafting or leveling items, and – I admit – most of them were listed on at least one or two “Best RPG” lists (except Kingdom Come, which just looks too intriguing to pass up).

The Posts

It wouldn’t be a “Year of the RPG” without posts about RPGs, right? I think I have everything planned out, but since I’ve never done this before it might change as time goes on. But for now, there will be three types of post for each game:

  1. Character profile/Game introduction – This will be at the start of the game. Both BadgersAndBowties and I will be creating unique characters to play as, randomizing characteristics like personalities, classes, and playstyles to keep things interesting. So you might see me trying to brute-force melee my way through a game while BadgersAndBowties hides in a bush and shoots arrows. This is to keep the “role playing” aspect interesting, and give us both a chance to not always play as the same type of characters.
  2. Letters – Here’s the twist. Our characters will be bumbling through these games for the first time, and sometimes they might need someone to talk to. So you might see the characters writing in to talk about their adventures to your favorite resident therapist/Goddess of Wisdom (yes, I give in *waves white flag*). And, of course, any letters submitted need to be answered… If you like Diagnosing Bad, you won’t want to miss the shenanigans BadgersAndBowties and I will be getting up to!
  3. The Interesting Case of… – I think  you all are familiar with these, but of course each game will get a review and a discussion of its themes!

The Side Missions

Of course, this isn’t to say that all other posts will stop. The Monday discussion posts will still happen, as will Spirits ‘n’ Sprites (temporarily) until I run out of inspiration or alcohol. And of course, when I’m not talking about RPGs I’ll be continuing to post on various gaming topics on Wednesdays as per usual, so be on the lookout for articles about microtransactions, accessibility, GamerGate, and more in the coming months!

Image result for kermit typing gif

And, hey, if I’m a very efficient gamer I might sneak in a few other games, too. You never know!

Select Your Party

As anyone who has played an RPG knows, companions make the journey more fun, more exciting, and, really, more worthwhile. So, if you saw some games on this list that you think you want to play, join in on the fun! I’d love for this to be an even greater collaborative effort!

2 shepards

There are a few ways to play:

The Way of the Adventurer – If you want to join us on the full adventure, we’d love to have you along! Leave a comment (or email me) and let me know! As you play the game, you can “write in” about your experiences and let us all know what your character is up to. Of course, writing letters isn’t everyone’s style, so if you prefer writing first-impression posts, that’s always fun, too. I only ask that in whatever you decide to write, you mention that it’s part of AmbiGaming’s Year of the RPG project.

The Way of the Companion – If you want to jump in and out as games pique your interest, that’s great, too! Let me know what games you’re interested in playing so I can keep you up to date about when it’ll come up in the calendar. Otherwise, similar thoughts apply as above in regards to posting.

The Way of the Mapmaker- If you have an RPG or two (or five) that you’ve been meaning to play, and you just haven’t gotten around to it/them yet, this is your opportunity to do so! Be part of the Year of the RPG by picking the games you want to play and writing me letters about them to make this Year the biggest, best, and most role-playing-est year it can be! Let me know what you’re playing, though, so I can link back to you, as well 🙂

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Link’s back. I’ll see myself out.

I realize that every site has its own flow, so above all I would like for you to post in a way that would make sense for your blog. Again, I only ask that you mention it’s part of the Year of the RPG.

Press ‘X’ to Confirm

And with that, AmbiGaming declares the start of the Year of the RPG! I’m so very excited to play through these games alongside BadgersAndBowties, and hope you’ll join us on this adventure, even if it’s by dropping by and leaving kind words of encouragement.

Do you have exciting gaming plans for 2018? Will you be joining the RPG adventure, or do you have your own quests planned? Let me know in the comments!

Thanks for stopping by, and I’ll see you soon!
~ Athena

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  1. OoooOOoo enjoy! It’s funny, just last night I realized how burned out I was of RPGs in the past year lol, I’d love to replay games like Baldur’s Gate, Chrono Trigger and Fallout 3 with a clear mind, though. Lots of great games in there!

    If I can make a single suggestion – do you have a 3DS? (or a DS?) I’d recommend the Chrono Trigger DS remake over the PS1 port – I think it’s a much cleaner port job. Just my $0.02.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Aye, just to add to that – if you’re going to have an RPG year, a 3DS is practically a must! Not only does it have _tons_ of amazing RPGs on it, but the DS library is absolutely packed with them! And most of them are mad cheap.

      Liked by 1 person

    2. Thanks! Burnout was a concern of mine, but I figure I played all three Dragon Ages and all three Mass Effects back-to-back this past year, so this will probably be fine haha. Whenever you get a chance to play them again, let me know! I’m glad you like the list, too 🙂

      I actually don’t have a 3DS (or any DS). I never really got into the handheld gaming scene… I had a GameBoy Advance when I was younger, but I got such weird headaches when I played it… It’s really too bad, because there are a few games I really wanted to play! And you’re right (looking at your below comment) that there are some great RPGs available on it, but alas… maybe I’ll have to try one out before I start making huge handheld-RPG commitments haha


        1. Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag. My favorite AC game, primarily because you get control of your own ship, crew and can have a collection of sea shanties sung to you at the literal press of a button. Not your traditional RPG, no, but definitely a good contender in the Pirate sub genre!

          Liked by 2 people

  2. It is here, it is here, it’s finally here! And I love the idea of an epistolary approach!

    Also, I am super impressed by your inclussion of both Skyrim and the Witcher III on the list, you guys have A LOT of RPGing to do right there!

    PS: I personally think the creeping globe is a nice touch. 😃

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yay! It’s here! haha BadgersAndBowties and I took a while to come up with the posting theme, but I think it’ll work out nicely 🙂 Glad you’re excited for it!

      …yep. We’re insane. haha

      HA! Thank you! It pops up when you least expect it sometimes…. 😉

      Liked by 1 person

        1. Excellent! Kingdom Come will probably come up around March-ish, and KOTOR around September-ish, but I’ll keep you posted once we start getting into the games.

          That’s cool that you’re playing FFXIV Online! Do you like it?


          1. Perfect! Yes I really enjoy it! RPGs are always fun but final fantasy sure can tell a story. The missions don’t seem pointless to me but it is a bit grindy when leveling.

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  3. Great idea! I don’t know if I’ll be able to join in – my blogging has been quite off the rails lately and I don’t want to commit to something I can’t do. I do own and would like to play KOTOR though… hmm. We’ll see. Regardless, wish you all the best in your grinding endeavours, and, as Fern said, you have some mighty amibitious picks here! Very interested to read your thoughts on Fallout 3 especially when you get to it. It’s not without merit but I didn’t get on with it at all.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hello!!! Glad to see you again!! 😀

      Thank you 🙂 That’s fair. You’re of course welcome to pop in and out as you like (or not), but either way when you get a chance to play KOTOR, let me know what you think about it! I’m pretty excited for that one, I’m not going to lie… (Who am I kidding, I’m excited for all of them, but still!)

      Thank you for the kind thoughts. Some of those games really are heavy-hitters, so I guess we’ll see if we can get through all of them before 2018 comes to a close (yikes I don’t even want to think about that yet…)

      Fallout 3 is one of those games I’m looking forward to, but I’m not totally sold on. It’s gotten some pretty high scores, but I keep thinking I didn’t get into Fallout for a reason. Hopefully I’ll be pleasantly surprised, but either way it’ll be worth the experience, I think. We’ll see!

      Liked by 1 person

  4. This sounds more amazing than I thought it would be! HYPED!! 😀 I loved Fallout 3 and HZD (both platinumed) so I’m extra excited to see your thoughts on those. Everything else on is on my “someday” list, haha. I suspect my 2nd stroll through the FFXIII trilogy and Inquisition will take up my entire year. Good luck with the project!

    And I’ll make it my year’s mission to ensure you never run out of booze ideas for Spirits ‘n’ Sprites 😈 Alright! I’m caught up on your posts so I’ll leave you alone now.

    Liked by 4 people

    1. HA! You’re too kind. I’m pretty excited for HZD and interested to see what the Fallout fuss is about, so I’m looking forward to them 🙂

      Hey, a second playthrough of a well-loved game is a worthy adventure by itself!

      Uh oh… haha I mean… keep the requests coming, then! haha

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Yay! Always happy to meet another Spirits ‘n’ Sprites fan! 😀 What’s your favourite drink so far? Mine is definitely the Lightning in a Bottle, but the Yoshi’s Eggy Nog rocked a lot too!! …hic

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  5. A small group of us are planning a charity stream at the beginning of March, which will include a section for an RPG game… it would be great if we could tie it into the Year of the RPG somehow! If you could let us know what you’re due to play then nearer the time, maybe we could play the same title? 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. That would be fantastic! Simply going by numbers, either we’ll be finishing up Skyrim or starting Kingdom Come, but I will definitely let you know a little closer to the time once we get into our “rhythm” for this.

      We can talk more later, but would you want me/us to stream with you? (I only ask because it’ll probably take me that long to figure out how to stream if that’s the case!! haha)


      1. It’s entirely up to you – you’d be more than welcome to if you wanted to. 🙂

        There are a few Skyrim fans in our team so they’ll be happy to hear about the possibility of playing it for the stream! The schedule is still being worked on but at the moment, our RPG segment is scheduled for very early on 04 March 2018.

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Okay, I will think on this a bit more and get back to you!

          Okay, cool. I’m tentatively going to say that the beginning of March will mean we’re still in the throes of Skyrim, unless we are incredibly efficient haha. So that works out!


  6. I have quite a lot on my plate as it is, so I think I’m going to have to sit this one out. Before the year is over, I intend to review every single Zelda game I’ve played (which is all but about three or so). I made it to Majora’s Mask for my 100th review.

    Liked by 2 people

      1. There’s still quite a ways to go – even if I’ve reviewed my favorite game in the series. I could end up reviewing RPGs, though we’ll have to see how it pans out.

        Liked by 1 person

  7. Year of the RPG?! Me likey this! 😂 Funny enough, I’m doing several write-ups on Final Fantasy XV over the next few weeks, plus I have an itch to play/replay a bunch of RPG’s this year, so wow, what a coincidence 😋.

    I’d love to be a part of this somehow, either as an adventurer or a companion of sorts. Out of all the games on your list, the only one I have is Chrono Trigger, which is an absolute gem and would be a pleasure to write about.

    Good luck on this project!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yep! Well, me likey that you likey! haha

      That’s fantastic! Well, if you’d like to play along, let me know so we can stay in touch about posting, etc. And if you decide to be a companion, let me know as well which games you’ll be joining in on, for the same purpose!

      Thank you! I’m looking forward to it 😀

      Liked by 1 person

  8. What a great, if epic, undertaking! I’ve been blundering my way through RPGs for years and attempting to make some headway with my Final Fantasy (Re)Play/Review project. I like that you have both old (Chrono Trigger) and new/unreleased (Kingdom Come: Deliverance) on your list. It’s a nice variety!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks! I think a lot of people blunder through RPGs; they can be pretty involved haha.

      That’s right! You just wrote something about that – that’s really cool. I think it’s so interesting to really take a look at games in a series (or genre) and see how they stack up next to each other.

      And thanks! There are just too many good ones to pass up… and hopefully the variety will keep us from burning out before the year is over! haha

      Liked by 1 person

  9. Beating Dragon Age in three days? The thought of that scares me. Do you have some sort of time warping powers or something?

    That is a very strong collection of RPGs. I hope you enjoy the year! Out of curiousity, why do you consider a morality scale to be important for your RPGs?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It was intense. I was decompressing after my first year of grad school. I’m not sure I slept haha

      Thanks! I’m looking forward to it. Honestly, on a list of “important things” for an RPG, that’s not really high up (at least not consciously), but through conversations we kept coming back to games that let us be “good” or be “not good.” If I had to really sit and figure out why it might “actually” matter, I’d say it gives a little more autonomy to the player, and almost seems to hearken back to Dungeons & Dragons, which also has that freedom.

      Liked by 1 person

  10. Hey Athena, this is Will from @TheCodexOnline.

    I see i’m a bit late in coming to the party. So I understand: pick an RPG from the list of 8 above, make a character and roleplay the adventure by keeping you up to date with letters from said character? If so, I have had Skyrim characters with actual journals… haha.

    The idea sounds like a lot of fun! Send you an email to get started?


    1. Hi Will! An RPG fan is never early or late. We arrive precisely when we mean to 🙂

      You can certainly pick one game, or a few, or play along with the whole list “with me” (I’m finishing up Chrono Trigger and will be moving on to Skyrim soon). But you’re spot-on about the letter writing!

      Yes, definitely send me an email and we can work out the details! Glad you’re joining the party!


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